Imports of active pharmaceutical ingredients (AFI) to Russia based on the 2017 year-end results


Source: PharmVestnik, 27.04.2018

According to last year’s results, the volume of AFI supplies to Russia reached a historic high, both in monetary terms — RUB 73.9 billion (at free circulation prices), and in physical terms — 12.3 thousand tons. Meanwhile, the importers showed a significant positive dynamics: over the year, the ruble volumes rose over 22%, while the physical ones added about 5%.

Over the year, the range of imported AFIs underwent a noticeable change. According to the 2017 results, Russia’s imports involved 758 items (trade marks) of pharmaceutical substances, showing an increase of 61 items over the previous year. The range of imported INNs was somewhat narrower — last year, Russia imported 543 unique molecules, of which 29 were imported for the first time over the past 8 years, in particular, those included sitagliptin, bedaquiline and glatiramer acetate.

The number of manufacturers also increased over the year, with a total of 553 different companies being engaged in the supplies last year.


The key Russian AFI importers are manufacturing companies which either have localized full-cycle production at their Russian facilities, or are using contractual sites for these purposes. Based on the results of 2017, Servier tops the list of the major importers in monetary terms.

Last year, Pharmstandard was the absolute leader in terms of the number of supplied items (124 pcs.) — the company’s share in the total volume of AFI imports amounted to some 4.8% in monetary terms. Over the year, the monetary volume of the importer’s supplies has gone down 17%. However, the physical dynamics remains within the positive range (+2.5%).


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