Pharmstandard is the most influential Russian pharmaceutical company of 2017


March 26, 2018

PharmVestnik announced the results of the annual Rating of the Most Influential Pharmaceutical Market Entities, based on the results of 2017.

As noted by PharmVestnik, the analytical company Battersea Marketing, with the assistance of the consulting company KPMG, became the executor of the Rating of the Most Influential Pharmaceutical Market Entities, an annual independent opinion research of the medical and pharmaceutical industries representatives of 2017. The survey sample consisted of 525 people from 33 cities located in all the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

The experts were representing eight different groups: public officials; representatives of science and expert community; representatives of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers; representatives of international pharmaceutical manufacturers; representatives of distributors; pharmacy directors and managers; pharmacy assistant manager / deputy manager/ deputy director; and pharmacists.

According to the results of 2017, Pharmstandard take over the leadership of top 10 Russian pharmaceutical companies with the greatest impact on the pharmaceutical market. The company retained the leading position in the rating since 2016. Also Pharmstandard tops the ranking of local manufacturers year on year over the entire history of surveys.

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