Good Practices Uniting the Industry and the World


The flagship conference dedicated to good practices in pharmaceutical production, IV All-Russian GMP Conference with international participation, will be held on 23-25 September 2019 in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad Region). This year, the Conference will be held with the slogan «Good practices: uniting the industry and the world».

Over 1000 experts from Russia, Asia, Europe and the USA will discuss actual problems in the Russian and global pharmaceutical market,
as well as the role of good practices in assuring the quality of pharmaceutical production and international cooperation.

“Good manufacturing practices, undoubtedly, became the common foundation supporting the new, modern, efficient and high-tech Russian pharmaceutical industry. Working continuously on their harmonisation with international practices will enable Russian companies to put more and more efforts in developing not only the Russian, but also global market,” Aleksey Alyokhin, Director of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, believes.

The business programme of IV All-Russian GMP Conference will cover a wide range of issues, namely: input of the pharmaceutical industry in the Russian economy, development of exports, integration processes in the context of EAEU, challenging issues of GMP inspection. 

“The GMP Conference is one of the important tools of self-organisation of the pharmaceutical industry, the forum where professionals from all over the world discuss topical issues, share experience, seek and find mutually beneficial approaches to solving the most difficult problems. This is why our company decided to become the general partner of the Conference,” Grigory Potapov, Chief Executive Officer of Pharmstandard JSC, says.

The event organisers are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in cooperation with Federal State Institution State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices; the Conference operator is S-GROUP Corporate Communication Centre.

Venue: Yantar Hall Multi-Purpose Cultural Centre, 11, Lenina Street, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Region.


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Marina Bortnikova

Press & Public Relations Unit

+7 (495) 970 0032

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